Case Studies

The following case summaries highlight common issues and consumer tips. Cases can be filtered by subject below and names have been changed to protect confidentiality. Access to the full case study database is available for IFSO Scheme Participants in the Participant Area.

Showing all False Statements case studies

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Mrs Letterman's insurer declined her claim, saying she made a false statement. 
House and Contents Insurance False Statements
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Don’t tell tall tales – your claim will be checked.
Jean Paul claimed his van caught fire because a petrol can was knocked over during “sort of a romantic meeting”.
Vehicle Insurance False Statements
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False statements can’t be retracted, and all policy holders are implicated.
Mr Green tried to withdraw a claim as he had told a “bit of a lie”. But it was too late.
Vehicle Insurance False Statements
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Complete insurance applications accurately. Include any criminal convictions.
David’s burglary claim wasn’t even considered after his 18 criminal convictions were revealed – he'd said he had none.
House and Contents Insurance False Statements
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‘Little lies’ have big consequences. Tell the truth. False statements can't be retracted.
Helen made a claim for lost glasses, and later admitted they were just scratched and worn.
House and Contents Insurance False Statements
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If you provide false information, insurers can decline all aspects of a claim
Xavier produced $91.5K of fake invoices for earthquake repairs on his home. His claim was declined and his policy cancelled.
House and Contents Insurance False Statements
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Tell the truth. Your claim, and your evidence, will be checked.
Maria provided photos of costume jewellery from a random website to support her claim for a ruby pendant.
House and Contents Insurance False Statements
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Disclose your claims history when you first apply for insurance.
Barbara's claim for fire damage was declined. She hadn't disclosed a previous declined claim on her application.
House and Contents Insurance Fire False Statements
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